The life and times of John Jennings Mershon, as narrated by his parents...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

playing doctor

jack likes to play doctor with his doctor kit.

the kit was a present from nana to try to help him deal with some of his anxiety about visiting his pediatrician's office.

it has definitely helped, and in between visits (which are longer and longer stretches now that he's 2 years old) he likes to be the doctor with mommy or daddy as his patient.

except that he's the craziest doctor you've ever seen. here's how a typical exam with dr. jack goes:

  1. he dumps the entire contents of his doctor bag onto the floor
  2. he puts the stethoscope in your ears and checks *your* hearing
  3. he whacks you (hard!) in the knee with the knee hammer
  4. he looks in your ear with the otoscope. sometimes he also talks/yells into it. after which, he really should repeat step 2 because his patient is now temporarily deaf
  5. he gives you several shots. all in the bony part of the top of your hand. ouch!!
  6. he checks your throat by gagging you with a mirror
  7. he removes the squeeze part of the two-piece blood pressure cuff and instead blows in to the hole where the tube goes until the dial spins around. then he makes you do it. then he declares, "my turn!" and blows into it again.

sound like quackery? i think it is. but it's also pretty funny.

and now we can brag on "our son, the doctor."

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